Questions you may have
Are there things I can do myself to reduce pain during labour?
“You're likely to feel more relaxed in labour and better placed to cope with the pain if you learn and know more about labour. This makes you feel more in control and less frightened. Learn how to relax, stay calm and take deep breaths. There are yoga breathing exercises which can help. Your position can make a difference – try kneeling, walking around or rocking back and forth.”
My friend tells me there are things I can include in my diet like coconut water which will make my baby light skinned. Is that true?
“Having a light skinned baby based on what you eat or do when you are pregnant is an old wives tale, a myth. Skin colouring or tone is down to genes. Type of food does not make any difference. Just eat healthy and take your prenatal vitamins. Coconut water can help with hydration!”