Meet the team making a difference

Our frontline team - A group photo

Kushal's team is a loose collective of like-minded individuals and organisations committed to community-led approaches. Our changemakers are a network of independent social entrepreneurs well connected to their local communities. They serve their communities with passion and are exceptional in what they offer. We also have experienced advisers from around the world. Our vision becomes a reality thanks to their guidance, belief in our cause, and support.


Founder of Kushal. One of a team of changemakers.


Dr. Sujit Ghosh, with many contributions to notable international development causes and global health initiatives, founded Kushal India to assist underserved mothers-to-be in needy communities. With medical and management qualifications, he has initiated and established many community projects in Asia and Africa. Sujit’s focus areas are sexual and reproductive health and rights, maternal health, and mental health. He has published in academic journals such as Global Health Governance and F1000 Research amongst others.

Kushal's Story

It began with the birth of our first child. We were quite fortunate. It was the most lovely experience, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. But was it due to chance?

We were resourceful enough to know where to gather information, make informed decisions, and act in our best interests. As a family, we were supported by community nurses, midwives, and the county hospital in our area. It was an upbeat journey.

We received first-rate care without having to worry about large medical costs or any other hospital-related expenses. Yes, we were fortunate. We live in the United Kingdom and have access to the National Health Service (NHS). We were empowered to make the best of the situation.

I spent a lot of time in India around the same time. I was working on a project to improve public-sector maternal health services in an eastern Indian state. I was travelling across the state, visiting teaching hospitals and primary health care institutions and engaging with rural communities.

In contrast, I had witnessed pregnant women in Indian villages having a difficult time. Women are compelled to be passive recipients of a medicalized system. Faceless and voiceless. Childbirth was not a happy experience for them or their family. It was fraught with fear, and they were rarely treated with dignity and respect. I was on an emotional rollercoaster.

That's when the seed for Kushal was planted.

Advisory group


Jyoti Lahiri, is a finance professional with more than 30 years of experience in multinational companies. Currently, a senior executive with a multinational company in energy space and also serves on the board of its subsidiaries in Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and India. In addition to India, Jyoti has lived in USA,Singapore and has now made Sydney, Australia home since 2007. Jyoti Loves sports and has special affection for cricket.


Purba Chatterjee is Associate Director of Global Health Research, UCSF Bixby Center at University of California, San Francisco, Dept. of Ob/Gyn. Purba was recently Chief Operations Officer for the FACES programme in Kenya. She graduated from the London School of Hygiene and was the India Country Director for I-TECH, University of Washington. Purba has played a key role in the San Fransisco Bay area's COVID response that covered oversight of trainings and contact tracing.
Thomas Godfrey is an UK based adviser of Kushal.


Thomas Godfrey has over 25 years international experience in creating partnerships between public and private sector organisations mainly through technology and sport. An entrepreneur, he has raised capital globally for real estate projects in the United States. London based, recently he was director of partnerships at Spacehive, the world’s first civic crowdfunding platform. He is Founder at Earth Change.


Peter Beeby is an avid footballer, lives in Sheffield, UK and is a business leader in his community. An entrepreneur with a portfolio of successful investments, he also advises SMEs on employee ownership and succession planning in the North of England.


S T Prasad an Electrical Engineer from Regional Engineering College, Warangal, and immersed into Software Engineering and Technologies as a professional and as an entrepreneur for over three and a half decades. STP lives in Hyderabad, India. Is a confirmed “nut, who never bolts”!


Dr. B. Keerthi, President of Vasavya Mahila Mandali, a non-profit organisation for women and children’s welfare in India. Keerthi has 30 years of experience in community development. She is recipient of the She Creates Change award in India
Member of CORTH