Your body

What to expect in Week 29
You may be feeling excited as your due date approaches, or quite nervous! You can get breathless. Sleep is problematic because of leg cramps and needing to go to the toilet frequently. You are also prone to urinary tract infections. You may find it difficult to maintain your balance and stumble. You may also have quite leaky breasts. To learn more on what to expect as your pregnancy progresses in the third trimester click here.
Baby size

What to expect
Your baby is the size of a large Cauliflower (roughly 38 cm and 1.2 Kilos).
Your baby

What to expect
Your baby is well-formed. He/she is getting fatter and his/her organs are maturing. The bones are hardening and muscles are getting stronger. There is lots of activity and movement. He/she has begun to smile, mainly in sleep.
Taking care of yourself

- Avoid standing or sitting for long stretches to avoid varicose veins.
- Carry on eating high fibre foods to prevent constipation.
- Know what infections to avoid in pregnancy.
- Lear and know more about what happens during labour and birth. Learn what happens when you get to the hospital and how you need to be prepared.
- Talk, talk and talk to share your emotions – you will have a range of feelings and can get quite sad and emotional about loved ones, especially those who have passed away.
Ask your doctor

- I am very emotional most of the time. What should I do?
- Are my baby’s movements okay? What should I expect when I go to the hospital to deliver? Are there any injections I need to prevent getting infections during pregnancy?
- When I go to the bathroom it burns; I get lower-abdominal pain and dark foul-smelling urine. I don’t feel good. Please help.

To do list
- Find out what injections you need to prevent infections in pregnancy.
- Book an antenatal appointment with your doctor.
- Discuss and plan with your husband what happens and how to prepare for labour and birth.
- Speak to your mother and best friend to talk about how you feel and the emotions you are going through.
Kushal workshops are conducted once a week to help pregnant women learn how to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Your concerns
Why do I feel so emotional?
“I was on an emotional rollercoaster! At times I felt excited. Other times I was nervous or both. I also felt sad thinking about my father who had passed away the previous year, especially knowing he would never get to meet my baby. I got advice to talk a lot. So, talk, talk, and talk. Talk to friends, family, and your doctor, and discuss anything that's worrying you. That helped me a lot.”
What infections should I be concerned about?
“Chickenpox in pregnancy can be dangerous for both mother and baby. You should talk to your doctor if you never had chickenpox before. CMV is a herpes-like virus which is quite common, especially in children and it can be dangerous for your baby. Washing your hands regularly with soap and water and not sharing food with children can help prevent CMV. There are a few other infections you can find out more about by asking your doctor.”
Depression in Pregnancy
What is depression in pregnancy?
Depression during pregnancy, also called antenatal or perinatal depression, is a medical condition that can harm both the mother and the baby. It affects your emotions, making you feel sad and disconnected.
It can vary in intensity from mild to severe. It's important to know that it's not a sign of weakness and won't just go away or be fixed quickly. However, with the right help and support, antenatal depression can be treated.
Presenting symptoms
- Feeling sad, in a low mood, or tearful a lot of the time
- Losing interest in other people and the world around you
- Negative thoughts, such as worrying you will not be able to look after your baby
- Feeling guilty, hopeless or blaming yourself for your problems
- Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping too much
- Loss of energy
- Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
It's important to note that some mood changes are normal during pregnancy. Also, all or some of these symptoms may come on gradually or may be sudden. Trust yourself. You are the best judge of whether your feelings are normal for you.
Around one in every ten pregnant women has antenatal depression that can be clinically diagnosed.
Self-care strategies to prevent depression
- Follow a balanced pregnancy diet. Regular snacks and meals can keep your blood sugar up, keeping your mood stable. Avoid caffeine, sugar, and processed foods.
- Get regular exercise. Exercise can help improve mood and reduce stress.
- Get enough sleep. Try to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep per night.
- Practise relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
- Connect with others. Join a support group or talk to friends and family about your feelings.
- Take time for yourself. Do things that you enjoy, such as reading, taking a bath, or going for a walk.
- Seek counselling. Cognitive behavioural therapy and interpersonal therapy can effectively prevent perinatal depression.
Talk to your doctor or health care professional and make sure you get the right treatment and service you need.
Depression and pregnancy
Pregnancy depression
Cleveland Clinic, USA
Kushal's website provides health, fitness, and nutrition recommendations for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any health concerns, you should always check with your healthcare provider.