Your body

What to expect in Week 28
You have entered the third trimester of pregnancy. You may start getting new symptoms, such as nosebleeds and indigestion. Your feet are likely to be swollen, your back is hurting and you get tired easily. Your baby’s kicking keeps you awake at night and worried during the day. It may feel that your baby is constantly restless and that can be annoying. It hasn't been easy.
Baby size

What to expect
Your baby is as big as a large Pumpkin (approximately 30 cm long and 15 cm in diameter).
Your baby

What to expect
Your baby’s heart is beating fast (140 beats per minute) but not nearly as fast as in weeks 9-10 (170 bpm). He/she is practising breathing and trying to settle into position for birth. Your baby is probably having dreams now and sticking his/her tongue out to make faces!
Taking care of yourself

- It is important that you have your 28-week antenatal appointment. Your doctor is likely to measure your blood pressure, test your urine for protein and discuss the results of any screening tests.
- Know about harmful infections in pregnancy and learn about the signs of labour.
- Find out your Rh status and get advice on whether you need to take a vaccine-like injection.
- Use hot water bags and have bed rests if you suffer from sciatica pain - shooting pain, tingling or numbness that starts in your buttocks and goes down the back of your legs.
Ask your doctor

- I get exhausted very easily. Is that normal?
- How can I avoid harmful infections during pregnancy?
- Do I need a urine test for protein?
- What were the results of my screening test?
- What is my blood type? Do I need to take an injection for it?

To do list
- Have your blood pressure measured.
- Have iron supplements and prenatal vitamins.
- Attend week 28 antenatal appointment.
- Find out which blood type.
- Wash hands regularly with soap and water.
Kushal workshops are conducted once a week to help pregnant women learn how to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Your Concerns
I think I have a lump in my breast. I am scared.
“I was told having breast cancer during pregnancy especially if you are under 35 years is very rare. Apparently, changes that happen to breasts in pregnancy cause them to feel much more lumpy, heavy and firm than what we are used to. If you are concerned about a tender lump talk to your doctor.”
Your breasts undergo when you become pregnant. As they develop milk ducts for breastfeeding, they often double in size and become heavy with extra fluid. The breast tissue also feels more firm and "lumpy bumpy." (
During and after pregnancy, it's important to know about your breasts. This means getting to know how your breasts look and feel so you can know what's normal for you. This will make you more sure that you'll notice any unexpected changes.
During pregnancy, the breasts change a lot, so it can be hard to notice any unusual changes. Talk to your nurse or doctor if you're not sure what's going on with your breasts.
I am physically drained. I am just not able to relax.
“It’s because of all that extra weight you are having to carry and the strain it puts on your muscles and body. Add to that the shortness of breath you experience!”
It's common to feel physically drained and unable to relax during pregnancy, especially as you enter the third trimester.
Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night and take short naps during the day if you need them. Regular exercise can help boost your energy levels and improve your mood, so try prenatal yoga, walking, or swimming.
To feel calmer and centred, practice deep breathing, meditation, or visualization, or take a prenatal yoga or meditation class.
Keep your body hydrated and your energy levels up by drinking enough water throughout the day. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, and avoid sugary or processed foods.
Don't be afraid to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends when you need it. If you're feeling unusually tired or having trouble relaxing, talk to your healthcare provider for additional support and resources.
Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is important for both you and your growing baby, so prioritize your physical and mental health during this special time.
Breast Lumps and Pregnancy
Breast Cancer Now
Kushal's website provides health, fitness, and nutrition recommendations for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any health concerns, you should always check with your healthcare provider.