Your body

What to expect in Week 18
You are starting to feel a little clumsy as your belly has gone bigger. Your breasts may also have gone up a size. You notice a blackish line down your stomach. This is normal skin pigmentation and nothing to worry about. You are likely to complain of backaches and pains.
Baby size

What to expect
In week 18 of pregnancy, your baby is the size of a small Cucumber (roughly 13-14 cms long and 180 – 190 gms).
Your baby

What to expect
Your baby is keen to hear. Talk to your baby! Baby is fully developing as either a girl or boy and his/her nervous system is maturing rapidly. Baby can now yawn and have hiccups.
Taking care of yourself

- Your blood pressure gets a little lower than it usually is. Don’t get up abruptly from a chair or sofa as you could feel dizzy.
- Don’t compare the size of your belly with other pregnant women. It varies from person to person. Just make sure all is going well at your antenatal check-ups.
- Use a footrest to raise your feet slightly when resting. It helps with back pain.
- When standing, place one foot on a low stool when possible to take some pressure off your lower back.
- Your fluid intake should be adequate. Drink plenty of fluids, combat constipation with added fibre, and avoid straining when you go to the bathroom.
Ask your doctor

- Is my weight gain okay?
- Am I at high risk for any problems during pregnancy?
- My feet and ankles are swelling up. Is that okay?
- Is my baby’s growth okay?

To do list
- Have a footstool to raise your feet.
- Have folic acid supplements and prenatal vitamins.
- Book an antenatal appointment with the doctor.
- Share with others your feelings and talk about what is happening to your body.
Kushal workshops are conducted once a week to help pregnant women learn how to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Screening for Hepatitis B, HIV and Syphilis
Cesarian section information
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Kushal's website provides health, fitness, and nutrition recommendations for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any health concerns, you should always check with your healthcare provider.