A Guide to Telling Friends and Family : Week 13 of Pregnancy

Right arrow icon to help navigate to week 22.Left icon to help navigate to week 20This guide will help you prepare for the conversation with your parents about your pregnancy. Learn what to expect in week 13 of pregnancy, including physical and emotional changes, and tips on how to have a successful conversation with your parents.

Your body

telling friends and family

You are nearing the end of the first trimester. You may have an increased sense of smell. Luckily, from now on you are less likely to feel nausea, painful breasts and nipples, food aversions or fatigue. You will less of an urge to go to the bathroom frequently. The down side is that you may have dizzy spells and low sex drive.If you are worried about COVID there are resources that provide helpful tips to manage 'pandemic pregnancy' stress.

Baby size

Image of lime for Week 13 size guide

Your baby is as big as a Lime (20 cms long and 20 gums in weight).


Your baby

Pregnancy weekly guide - baby size

Baby is fully formed with organs, muscles, limbs and bones in place! It is too early though for you to feel your baby’s movements. Your baby has doubled in size and is a half ounce in weight compared to the previous week.


Taking care of yourself

Pregnancy weekly guide - self care tips

Week 13 Tips

  • Make sure you have your Iron tablets.
  • Take plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • Avoid raw seafood and fish with higher levels of mercury.
  • Do pelvic exercises.
  • You may have a white milky vaginal discharge. This is normal.
  • Have a wholesome diet – oily fish, eggs, nuts and flak seeds. If you are not enjoying eggs substitute with soy, dal, beans and grain. Milk with youghurt or vegetables with fruit. Avoid raw or uncooked paneer.
  • Try to stay a healthy weight and not be overweight.
  • Know about all the laboratory tests and investigations that you may need.
  • You may wonder whether your belly should be bigger or smaller. Try not to compare yourself with other pregnant women!
  • Schedule an antenatal appointment.

Ask your doctor

Pregnancy weekly guide - ask your doctor

Some questions

  1. What medications can I take or should not take?
  2. Does my family history or any other issue make pregnancy high-risk for me?
  3. I get constipated when I take Iron tablets. What can I do?
  4. Do I need to change my eating habits?
  5. What medications can I take or should not take now?


To do list

  1. Take folic and iron supplement tablets.
  2. Take a confirmatory pregnancy test.
  3.  Schedule visit to GP.

Questions you may have

Is it okay to let my friends and relatives know that I am pregnant?

“It is totally up to you. I told my very close friend who I can trust and feel comfortable with. She is experienced and I value her advice.”

I am always busy with household work. I sometimes worry about my health. What do I do?

“I made sure that I took some time out every day to relax. I spent it listening to the radio or music. I would read magazines.

Is it going to be a girl or a boy?

“Having a healthy baby is what is most important. At this stage, you cannot find out. By law, it is illegal to have a sex determination test during pregnancy.”

Who should I consult?

For prenatal consultations either an OB-GYNae doctor or a trained and certified midwife. What kind of person are you – do you believe that you should have a say about your body and your health and are entitled to ask questions and your doctor respects this? Or do you take comfort in putting your care in the hands of a medical professional who you believe knows best? Once you have thought through this and discussed it with your husband. Accordingly, select your practitioner by taking recommendations from your GP and your friends who have had babies. Interview 1-2 practitioners before deciding.

Who should I consult?

Am I gaining enough weight?


Kushal's website provides health, fitness, and nutrition advice for informational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any health concerns, consult your healthcare provider.