Your body

What to expect in Week 16
Your uterus is growing fast and you can’t hide your pregnancy anymore! You are likely to have nasal congestion and sometimes nose bleeds. This is because of pregnancy hormones. You may feel flutters – gentle kicking by your baby! Don’t worry if you can’t feel them. They often go unnoticed. You should be offered many tests by your doctor – blood and urine.
Baby size

What to expect
In week 16 your baby is the size of a Pear (about 11cm long and 90 – 100 gms in weight).
Your baby

What to expect
Baby in week 16 can do a lot – eyes make side-to-side movements, thumb-sucking motions and starting to pull faces. Hand forms fists and starts punching around in your belly! He/she can hear your voice. Sing to him/her your favourite songs!
Taking care of yourself

- Put a little petroleum jelly like Vaseline under your nose if you feel dryness and congestion.
- Eat foods that are high in fibre, such as wholemeal bread, fruit and veg, beans and dhal.
- Drinking lots of water and eating these foods can ease constipation.
- Be sure to get lots of Calcium from low-fat dairy foods
- Get a gentle back massage to ease low back pain.
- Brush your teeth twice a day to maintain oral hygiene.
Ask your doctor

- What are the vaccinations I need to get and when?
- What are the blood and urine tests that I need?
- Can you please show me the development of my baby on the ultrasound? Can I hear my baby’s heartbeat?
- Am I gaining enough weight?

To do list
- Schedule an antenatal check-up, blood and urine tests and ultrasound.
- Explore local options for giving birth including maternity centres and hospitals. Visit these centres to objectively identify your preference.
- Plan for baby shower.
- Ask close and trusted friends to share their birthing experiences.
Kushal workshops are conducted once a week to help pregnant women learn how to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Questions you may have
What are the tests my doctor will offer me?
“I had a blood test to find out my blood type and find out if my Iron levels were low. I was also tested for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. I also had a urine test to check levels of protein and find out if I am at risk for pre-eclampsia, which can be a dangerous condition.”
Blood tests are offered as a part of routine antenatal screening. These should be carried out as early as possible in pregnancy and are recommended for every pregnancy.
Tests carried out for screening can help you make choices about further tests and care or treatment during your pregnancy or after your baby's born.
Do I have to have a caesarean section??
“My doctor advised me that C-sections are major operative procedures and carry risks of anaesthesia. She said only if there are risks to me or my child because vaginal birth is too risky that it will be carried out as a safer option. I suggest you ask your doctor to find out more about C-sections – why, how and when it is carried out.”
If for any reason you can't deliver vaginally, C-section allows the fetus to be delivered surgically, that is, through an operation. Cesarians are planned or sometimes have to be carried out as an emergency procedure when there are problems in labour.
Screening for Hepatitis B, HIV and Syphilis
Cesarian section information
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Kushal's website provides health, fitness, and nutrition recommendations for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any health concerns, you should always check with your healthcare provider.